The Almost Complete Listings for The Funtone USA Video Archives these videos are listed in no particular order 1 Judy LaGrange More show at Celebrity Club: opening Salsa number, Candy Man by Michael West as Sammy Davis, Lahoma, Lizette, Elouise and Judy sing My Elusive Dream, Michael as Pearl Bailey and Mother Willie Mae Ford Smith. Tom Zarrilli anti-Christ countdown, RuPaul photo session with Paula, Clare and Todd leave for San Francisco with U-Haul truck 2 RuPaul and Wee Wee Pole at Rumors do In My Neighborhood and Body Heat, backstage with Potsy and Val of Mrs. Gee's; Now Explosion sings Swing, Mandingo, Racetrack, Bad, Stuff, Vegas; All My children; Some Do's and Don'ts, High Museum Woodruff statue; Islands In The Stream with James and Pam; James Bond and Paul Burke in drag; Bonnie Reeves and Mike Malloy; Tom Zarrilli and Beast of Monroe Horror 3 Entertainment Til It Hurts show performed March 3, 1884 at 10:30pm 4 Classic Tom Zarrilli Videos with Red Meat and Sproutz: Earth Cup, Mr. Technocrat, Obliterate that Record from public television 5 Auntie Marion at Liberty Hill; Peachoid in Gaffney SC; Wanda Peek News; Ronald Reagan; Nurse Kitty Suree visits Mike Malloy on his 40th birthday; tour of Maya Hahn's home; Maya' report on the destruction of Little 5 Points; Nitery Club Magic Moments 6 Now Explosion Farewell Concert at Club Rio: March 29, 1987 7 Boyd Lewis Benefit; Margaret Katz; RuPaul; Tom Zarrilli and Paul Burke at Inman Park Festival 8 Opening of KO Theatre next to Weekends with Elouise and Jon Witherspoon, Tom Zarrilli, Anti-Presidential Parkway Balloon Demonstration 9 Now Explosion at Nitery Club November 19, 1982; Clare interviews Red Neckerson at Piedmont Park; Kidney transplant footage from Channel 11; interviews at Nitery Club 10 Bobby Meadows the Clown at Lenox Square; Pam Perry walks to Midtown Festival with Hulga; report on demon at Clare's house; face of Christ appears on bathroom floor at World Headquarters; 3 Stooges show with Malloy; Christopher Malloy; Dick as Grenada marine; Potsy at 3 Stooges show; Naive Painting Exhibit; U-Haul interviews and Debarge song sung to U-hauls; Mystery of the Universe cutaways 11 Nelson memorial tribute at Limelight with Lahoma, Albert, Pop Tarts, Tish Gervais, Michael Musto, Bunny, People Tree, Rock Primevera, Tish and Snooky 12 very first tape made at Adolphus St with Dick and Teddy and paying to buy first equipment 13 Entertainment Til It Hurts - second version performed live at Dancers' Collective October, 1984 14 Temi Silver Appreciation party with celebrity sing along with Eldrin Bell and Gwen Summers; Teddy at Little Five Points Access center with Pam Mills; Potsy's report from living room with Kelly Mark and Adrian and Tom Zarrilli's Rumanian Ballet; Mrs. Bond at Piedmont Park talking about peek sisters; Grizzard billboard; Dick as Grizzard; Santa Clause song sung by everyone; Happy Birthday Pam Christmas visit 15 Wayne Hollowell and the making of Mahogony II; Reagan video with "are you insane"; Reagan Contragate News Conference; music of 1986; Wanda Peek report about John Sex; SMJ music video; Leotis and Verlin segments 16 Dolores on Oprah, Funtone Party at Tunnel (copy), an actual conjurewoman on Donahue 17 Felecia Show at Celebrity Club; Eastern Stars; Baby Weemus Revue with Dick and Pam's African Famine Song and Opal Foxx singing A Mother's Smile; Celebrity Club opening week 18 backstage at the making of the Singing Peek Sisters television special; Vala graduates from Georgia State 19 film by Laurie Weltz: Nelson Sullivan, Video Vampire 20 Gumby; Barbecue Killers; Burke for Mayor Rally at the Celebrity Club 21 Wanda peek at Celebrity Club at Francis Hotel; Georganna Sinkfield's campaign party with Pam and David; Anna Stedman's going-away party; Now Explosion music video by Craig Hicks; RuPaul press conference at Weekends with Lahoma, Trade, Tom Zarrilli, Felicia, Cherry Snow, Connie, Pam, Wayne Hollowell 22 Christmas at Liberty Hill 23 Christy Shaves: a film by the Cocktail Girlz; Rupert Fike; Duffy's signs about the Beatles; Paul's music for Lady Clare; Endorsements of TAMS; Pam at Geraldine Ferraro rally; Auntie Marion reads poem about the church and give a tour of the house 24 TAMS sampler: Flashback Special; The Singing Peek sisters music video; A Ride With Aunt Nancy; Mrs. X with the Battered Wives Cookbook; some endorsements and James at the Blow Up Atlanta Celebration; the making of the Singing Peek sisters Christmas Special; Polaroids of our viewers and friends 25 Rupaul on Channel 69 and Paul Burke in Old Dry Fry; RuPaul's second appearance on Channel 69 26 Angie Bowie on Oprah and Joan Rivers and Inside Edition report 27 Miss Margie and the Tall Boys; Battle of the Hair Report with RuPaul and John Sex on Channel 5; SMJ in Little Five Points; Leotis and Verlin fishing 28 Grand Opening of the Celebrity Club with the Now Explosion; RuPaul show at Celebrity Club with Felicia 29 Miss 688 Pageant with Lady Bunny, Danny Beard, David Lindsay, Duffy, Clare, Michael West, RuPaul, Dancing Waters Brothers; A Ride With Aunt Nancy; Mrs. Sullivan and Nancy ride to the river; trip to Atlanta with Dick and Nelson 30 Tom Zarrilli at Nexus; Pam's report on conceptual art at Inman Park; James at auction at Mary Mac's; tour of Mary Mac's; talking to Boyd and Dottie at Mary Mac's; Eclipse of the sun; Reina's last night at home; Teddy destroys $1000 31 A Ride around Houston with Jeannie, RuPaul Trade and Spicey; RuPaul's Teen Night show at NRG; Spicey gets his picture drawn at a Houston liquor store 32 Wanda Peek and RuPaul in Cumming, GA, at the march against the KKK 33 Now Explosion debuts new act with Stephen Stubbs and Jon Walsh at the Uptown in Athens; 20/20 documentary on the Marcos Family; Bob's cat Raucous in a tree; Lawyers' Committees PSA's on Princess Stephanie and Project Mohole; Stephen Stubbs report on new Celebrity Club at Francis Hotel; Dr. Niblesh report on the American Music Show with Todd and Angelo narrated by Tom Zarrilli and Molli 34 Healy Building party with dating game party questions; Julie and the Rondells; Stephanie Miller; Chris Boswell; Peek Sisters at Strand as Singing Arab girls; Tom Zarrilli's promos for TAMS 35 La palace de Beaute in Dallas TX at the Starch club; unedited Starbooty III by Lahoma; Lahoma gives a guided tour of Deely Plaza 36 Maya and Dick at Cape Canaveral to watch the last successful blast off of The Challenger space shuttle 37 the making of the Now Explosion music video in Little Five Points; Wanda Peek in Africa; Channel 17 Starbooty video; Barri Bob; The Mack music video 38 RuPaul at Danceteria October 12, 1984 with Miss Felicia; The wild Thing movie; James Bond Sex Freak music video 39 Stephane Gael program from Swiss television featuring the report on Nelson; broadcast April 20, 1990 40 Pam at the Highway march; Pam looks for Jeff; Boyd Lewis party with Norma Jack, Labanana, and Boyd's dad; clothes off 2 41 Dolores French on Geraldo; This Week in Japan; Dolores on Sally Jessie with Sally's hooker makeover; Forbidden music at Emperor's funeral; Angie on Current Affair; Channel Z with Lahoma 42 Teddy's first report for CNN about Rev. Finster; live coverage of Big Nurse Party; lawyers' committee for Princess Stephanie for congress campaign report on nicknames and official songs; CNN Phillipines coverage with Mrs. Corizon Aquino; Nelson answers questions; Reina's sofa interview about her life in Charlottesville; Barbie and the Atom Bomb 43 Christmas lights of Midtown; City Hall Christmas greetings with Mayor Andrew Young, David Zaccarro, Dick in the Mayor's office; MTV; Temi Silver's party for Joe Frank Harris with many endorsements including the Bresslers, Karen Doyle, Susan Orphan, Nick Marrinelli; Dick's Grizzard commentary; James wins a TV at WIGO with DJ Mike Roberts; tour of Molli and Paul's apartment at the world of heat; Labanana credits 44 commercial movie: Heidi starring Shirley Temple; Turn Your Life Around Christmas Show 45 Buzz episode 4; Current Affair with Angie Bowie; Angie on Geraldo 46 Nelson tape of RuPaul at the Pyramid Club July 27, 1984 47 Teddy interviews James Brown; RuPaul with Fred Schneider; all at the New Music Seminar in July 1984 48 highlights from the Nelson collection: RuPaul show at the Pyramid; Lady Clare continued from previous tape 49 highlights from the Nelson collection featuring events in 1986: Now Explosion at Limelight November 25, 1986; Backsliders at CBGB's November 21, 1986 with Brant Mewborn 50 Nelson tape of Bobby's birthday party September 25, 1983 with Bobby Reed, Michael Musto, Sandy Dancer and more 51 more highlights from the Nelson collection featuring events in 1986: Information Society; Hanson and Davis; Pop Tarts at The Saint; Pop Tarts with Albert; Alexis del Lago; Andreas Fault 52 Tom Zarrilli at the implosion of the old terminal at Hartsfield Airport; Tour of Liberty Hill credits; Dick takes Barker and Hulga for a walk; Blast off of Discovery 4; Barbara McKenzie art opening with Rupaul, Opal, Danny Morton; RuPaul roast at 688 with Duffy, Tom Zarrilli and a Now Explosion concert 53 Auntie Marion and Lova Anne at the Races; Tornado damage at Beaver Creek; Teddy reports on tornado damage at Kelly's; Pam at Arts Festival and Steve Seaburg's conceptual arts performance; Tom Zarrilli at Arts Festival getting a traffic ticket 54 Larry Tee and Now Explosion advertise the Now Explosion calendar; Delores French moves a mattress; Teddy backstage at Archie and Mahitabel; Now Explosion at Moonshadow for Tom Zarrilli benefit; EZ Money party with James Bond, Tom Houck, Elouise and Larry Tee 55 Rupaul, Lahoma, and Larry Tee with the Club Kids on Geraldo 56 music video collection: La Palace de Beaute The Playboy; Cocktail Girlz Artsy Chicks; Now Explosion Rhythmn Within 'EM; Singing Peek Sisters; Elouise Heaven's Going to be a Blast with SMJ; RuPaul Voyeur; RuPaul Ghetto Love; Phoebe Legere Marilyn; Laughing Matters Tickets to Heaven; La Palace de Beaute Sin; Aunt Nancy hurricane report 57 Attack and Decay show at the Nitery with The singing Peek Sisters, Patty Rocket Congo, the U-Hauls, Tom Zarrilli, Elouise, RuPaul; Wanda Peek News with Channel 36 mistake; funny letters read by celebrities in front of giant Bo Gin picture; Bing Crosby family reenactment of abuse of children portrayed by Teddy and Paul and Adair 58 entername concert at Wreck Room with Craig and Mark; Space Seed concert at White Dot; Ecstasy report on Teen TV 59 Judy Lagrange birthday party at Celebrity Club with many special guests; Dolores French on the news; World's Fair; Heidi movie 60 Pam sings song tribute to Julian bond; RuPaul show at Weekends with Def Mute, Lori Nevada, Trade, Judy Lagrange, Lahoma, Larry Tee in drag; Elouise show at Weekends 61 Nelson tape of Funtone night at CBGB's as part of the New Music Seminar 62 Wigstock 1985 taped by Nelson 63 TAMS sampler with Viva Rumania show featuring Magda Octobrina and one regular show 64 TAMS sampler: Mysteries of the Universe; Election Night commentator of the Year Pageant from TV Dinners; TAMS Flashback special 65 Nelson mix tape of 1986: RuPaul, Sushi; Avenue A; Tish and Snooky; Rhonda visits the Jane West hotel June 6, 1986; Danceteria sound check June 7 66 Nelson tape of Rupaul at Danceteria October 12, 1984 67 Wayne Hollowell edit of Peek Sisters music video Tonight; Oliver North He's a Reptile; Police Lady movie; Wanda Peek report on Police Lady 68 Hinsley Chapel Church Service with Bishop Husband; first episode of Max Headroom; live form Discovery space shuttle 69 Comes The Blood movie; music video Ping Ting Ting; Vampire Hustlers by Wayne Hollowell; the Strode Family on People Are Talking; Club Rio, RuPaul and The Pop Tarts on MTV 70 vacation tape from Curry Cottage at Hunting Island 71 Dance-O-Rama highlights with Now Explosion, Swimming Pool Q's, RuPaul, Elouise, All-Male Trio 72 Starbooty II The Mack raw footage; Starbooty II copy; original of Just Between Friends with RuPaul and Judy LaGrange 73 The New Orleans World's Fair in 1984 with Pam, James, Dick and Teddy - part one 74 Gibbs hasty art show at Ponce and Peachtree Streets; Now Explosion outdoor concert at old Nexus Art Center 75 Kidney Foundation quarter laying at Central City Park with Frank; Miss Margie party at Celebrity Club with Freddie Vomit and more (a Joe Anderson video) 76 some helpful hints; 3 sides of the Now Explosion; Misty April in slow motion; Reagan sprouts devil horns and tail; Bonnie Reeve at Little 5 Points; Arnold on Different Strokes dressed up like Mr. T; Pam walk to park and meets Bob at symphony; Teddy's consumer corner 77 New Music Seminar with Dick and Teddy - tape two 78 Mandingo - the actual movie taped from Showtime 79 Lizette and Lahoma Show with Lady Clare and Elouise at Celebrity Club 80 them Presidential debates: Mondale versus Devil Head 81 New Music Seminar tape four with Dick, Teddy, RuPaul 82 American Porn Star movie; Mahogony II movie; Police Lady; Aunt Nancy for the hearing impaired 83 visit to South Carolina for Christmas 1986 with dinner at Heath Springs, a visit to Kershaw, and Dick Spencer 84 Police Lady II; Strawberry Shortcut by Tom Rubnitz with Lady Bunny and Sister Dimension; Now Explosion home movies 85 RuPaul and Wee Wee Pole at Nitery Club; Glen and Ellen's Nitery Club kitchen; Molli in Dressing Room; spray painting car license tags with Teddy; obscene words on Channel 36 basketball game; Kilaweha volcano; the Pope; Her Majesty in California from regular TV; Limbo District at Dancers Collective; Electric Avenue dance with Now Explosion and Reina; James Christmas tour of Homes 86 RuPaul tapes himself singing and doing lots of stuff: taped by RuPaul 87 Cocktail Girlz record release party at Club Rio with The Singing Peek sisters; Aunt Nancy for the hearing impaired; Wanda Peek news; John Ankerburg program exposing Jim and Tammy; Jerry Falwell press conference from PTL with Attorney Grutman 88 copy of TAMS at Vala's leisure center; a visit with Aunt Nancy after Hurricane Hugo 89 Teenage Music Club music videos: Voguing and What Am I Gonna Do? by La Palace de Beaute; Frog Bride by Elouise Montague; You Can't Fight Love by Cocktail Girlz; Polka Dots by Elouise Montague; In My Neighborhood by RuPaul; Time Machine by Jayne County; Obsession by Angela Bowie; Lovers' Concerto by DeAundra Peek; Le Freak by Zette; That's The Way Girls Are & Shimmy Shimmy by the Singing Peek Sisters; New York City Beat by The Pop Tarts; Bad Bad Bad by Now Explosion featuring Bunny 90 Funtone Music Videos; Burke World TV show premiere Spirit Hour of Vision; B-52's from public access before they were famous; Jim and Tammy's penthouse; Joan Rivers's 23; Miss Margie Band 91 Access Atlanta Heritage videos including Operator, Swimming Pool Q's, The Restraints, KAOS, Red Meat and Sproutz, Bug Patrol, body Bulge, The Rabbis (a band), Access Atlanta promo, Daryl Vance, Gary Moss movie about Candler Park 92 Police Lady movie; La Palace de Beaute debut at Club Rio with Lena Lovich and The Singing Peek Sisters for PETA; Wanda Peek interview with Lena Lovich 93 Tom Zarrilli's evening of self indulgence at Nexus Theatre; Lady Clare on Channel 5 News in pro-hooker protest; Teddy on Spencer Thornton show 94 Phoebe Legere composite tape with music videos and live performance 95 New Music Seminar tape three with RuPaul, Deborah Iyall, Fred Schneider and Dick and Teddy; Teddy and Elouise perform Fujiama Mama 96 Celebrity Club extravaganza: Tom Zarrilli impersonates Laurie Anderson; Eastern Stars; Now Explosion 97 All the Barbie Adventures; Peek sisters logo; Pop Tarts music video Another Gray Day In London on MTV and report on Pop Tarts on MTV news; the Dale-Roys in concert 98 New Years Eve at the Rollick Club in 1986 with SMJ and Cocktail Girlz that was closed down by the pigs; Jim and Tammy's New Year's Eve; Judy LaGrange and Lahoma interviewed; Starbooty music video by Jon Witherspoon; Tammy Sue sits in for Jim and Tammy; Diana Ross hosting The American Music Awards - Dionne Warwick sings Friends 99 Paul and Potsy dressed as The Pep Boys; RuPaul's yardsale with Becky's videos; America's Shopping Channel dressed as witches; Tammy Faye music video; Pop Tarts on 120 Minutes; RuPaul at Liz Taylor's personal appearance at Macy's from Channel 5 100 LaBanana at Piedmont Park Arts Festival taping her TV Special 101 Dance-o-rama on English television 102 Plazafest with Paul, Elouise, Now Explosion, Col. Lonnie Fain, Ronald the street person; Cocktail Girlz concert 103 Peek sisters and Wee Wee Pole at 688; Peeks sing Love Hangover; Air supply Contest; Now Explosion Homes; Bob and Debbie; Jon and Clare in slow motion; Teddy reports on Paul Maulden at tennis tournament 104 The Singing Peek Sisters press conference with Actor Cordell; Cocktail Girlz at 688; The Stereotypes at Pyramid taped by Nelson 105 Christmas in Heath Springs 1985; trip to Heritage USA; Bubber's song and jokes; 2 Barbie Adventures with Hello Kitty and Elvis; tour of Celebrity Club at Francis Hotel with Larry Tee; James Bond at home 106 Frog Bride taped by Teddy - tape 1 107 Now Explosion at Club Rio during holidays of 1986; extensive dressing room taping with RuPaul at Rio and maybe a show 108 Kelly's brother Ambassador Kelly at Irancontragate hearing; Ollie North He's a Reptile song; Tammy Faye's Drug Story; RuPaul on the set of American Porn Star and one on one with Wayne Hollowell about upcoming Mahogony II premiere 109 New York rock and roll tape compiled by Nelson: Now Explosion, cookie Watkins, Sylvia Miles at Provincetown, Shazork, Helen Wheels, Disco Dollies by Pop Tarts with Bunny, Michael Musto and 96 Tears, Cherry Vanilla, Earl Scooter, Kristi Rose, and more 110 Cocktail Girlz at 688 April 2, 1986; Jim and Tammy 25th Anniversary Celebration; Lady Clare's yardsale with Viola and Kennan, Kennan, Now Explosion in concert at RuPaul's Weekends Theater taped by Nelson; Through the Years music video of Jim and Tammy 111 Dick and James take Reina to the airport for her trip to Europe and eventual disappearance 112 Sexy Up concert; Report on Cousin Margaret; TAMS Sampler 113 RuPaul Give It To Me Revue; Now Explosion at Weekends 114 Haoui Montag's No Entiendes revue at New Music Seminar with Kristi Rose; song about dog Where is Scruffy music video; art for art's sake party where James and Boyd were important 115 copies of TAMS shows: Christmas show with the Stovalls and Caber Award winning show 116 Baby Weemus show at 688 with Ethel Merman Choir; Tom Zarrilli Brains in My Pants; Misty April; Lady Clare; Destroy Midtown; Todd butler's Scottish song; Eastern Stars with Opal Foxx; Fetchin bones 117 Buzz Show on MTV with report on RuPaul 118 trip down North Avenue with Dick's no comment; trip down Lullwater; Tour of The Trails with Stephen Stubbs, Potsy and James; A Short History of Cat Milk; People's Court about Sex Aid Parties; Loving; Reagan, Bi-Tar sign 120 Threads movie from Channel 17 with nuclear bomb destruction video 121 The Perimeter movie with Barbara Hayes and Paul Burke by Teddy plus video coverage of the Disco Sucks radio promotion at Chicago Stadium 122 Pop Tarts music video Another Gray Day In London 123 Cocktail Girlz at Rollick Club February 22, 1987; SMJ singers practice 124 Now Explosion on Spencer Thornton's TV show Tracking with BAD BAD BAD music video; RuPaul on Tracking February 14, 1986 125 Rupaul free concert at The Children's School with Trade and Spicey; Cocktail Girlz at Club Rio 126 James Bond at auction; Teddy destroys $1000; Reina's last night at home and more 127 Now Explosion Male Strip Show at 688; The Singing Peek Sisters music video Steppin on the Clouds; Now Explosion calendar ads; Maya Hahn's report 128 Amoeba Records Showcase with music videos by Glen Meadmore, Fertile LaToya Jackson, Vaginal Davis 129 Mama Said: the movie 130 Richard Metzger music videos: John Sex, Kathleen's Beme Seed, Larry Tee and La Palace de Beaute Deja Vu 131 Glen Meadmore music videos and other Amoeba Records stars 132 RuPaul in Houston tape 2 with Trade and Spicey; the Singing Peek Sisters background hearts 133 Teenage Music Club music videos: Elouise - Born to Be Wild; Elouise - In Barclay Square and Girl from Ipanema; Elouise and Larry Tee - Cotton Candy; The Singing Peek Sisters - Gentle On My Mind and Tonight; RuPaul - Tarzan; Del Rubio Triplets; RuPaul - Follow Me; Pop Tarts - Electric Kool Aid Acid and Flaunt It Club; worm Eaters; Pam Perry - Indian Reservation; Albert Crudo - All & Attention 134 Barri Bob at 688 and SMJ at 688 135 visit with Aunt Nancy January 1, 1990; Dolores French on Joan Rivers; condensed version of RuPaul on Geraldo 136 Nelson's New York from September 19, 1986: Ethel Eichelberger,Kennan, Michael London, Lypsinka, Stephen Saban, Coney Island, Mystery Girls, fiery jump over watermelon, Shame Shame Shame by Bunny and Special Love, Man to Man, RuPaul at The Saint, Tish and Snooky, Dean Johnson, cookie Watkins, Wedding by Limelight anti-theatre group 137 Frog Bride Debutante Ball taped by Annette 138 Stop The Road Rally February 10, 1985, with mock lynching by Clare and Tom that was suppressed and Pam and Lambsey were there too; MTV taping from cable with music videos including We Are The World, Billie Jean, Don Henley, Zot and more 139 Das Furlines live at Maxwell's January 1, 1987 140 RuPaul music video Ping Ting Ting by Wayne Hollowell; James Brown live and drugged-out on CNN with Sonya; Samantha Fox at Nelson's Meat Market Square; La Palace de Beaute at Weekends; Tour of the Shady Rest Hotel with Stephen Stubbs; Lahoma and Judy at the Majestic; La Palace de Beaute at Colorbox; Wanda Peek at WSB Radio with Mike Malloy; report from the Carolina Cup 141 Auntie Marion in Liberty Hill with Mae Canty - tape 1; Now Explosion Halloween Concert at Celebrity Club featuring Furry Hat Song by Pam and Dick; George McGovern at ACLU dinner; Auntie Marion reads poem about the Liberty Hill church 142 Phoebe Legere music videos Marilyn and Trust Me 143 John Sex music video Rock Your Body 144 Nelson videos of Pop Tarts at Danceteria, John Sex show with Jet Set, Gaylord's Carnival with John Sex, Gabriel Rotello Downtown Dukes and Divas, Electric Circus 145 John Sex at Club Rio, Phoebe Legere on Wil Shriner Show, Larry Tee on MTV, Fetchin Bones "Steam Whistle" music video, Wigstock on CNN, Dolores French on CNN, Nelson video of Wigstock 1988, 976 PEEKS 146 Wayne Hollowell NYC movies: Pepsi ad with RuPaul and movie Vampire Hustlers with Rupaul, David Dalrymple and Trade and another film with Lahoma and Rupaul; Lahoma tapes from May 14, 1990 - LA PALACE DE BEAUTE IN MIAMI, RUN BITCH RUN BY RUPAUL; Gay DAting Game with RuPaul & Tennessee; RuPaul Lipsinks Maybe; RuPaul at 1st Wigstock; Photo session with Ru DAvid D and Lahoma; 147 Pop Tarts music videos: Elected, Red Rock and Another Gray Day in London 148 Brant Mewborn music video: A Love That Lasts Forever 149 Phoebe Legere music videos for Marilyn and Trust Me 150 The Women of Midtown by Pam Perry; Don Finny segments; Food Giant location shoot with Teddy and Paul Burke 151 Nelson variety tape with Shazork at Zulu Lounge; Michael Musto at Palladium; John sex at Palladium; Pop Tarts; Bunny; Karen Finley 152 Now Explosion at 688 August 1984; Col. Lonnie Fain sings along with Duffy music video; Potsy in her back yard; James emcees at Neighborhood Arts Center; Craig's song 153 commercial movies from television: The Day The Earth Stood Still; The Complete Beatles 154 Skinny Vinny music video by Nelson's friend in New York 155 La Palace de Beaute music video Deja Vu; Peek sisters promo for Starbooty III 156 Frog Bride original footage with Strondra and Nippy and Gary and Maldiva on front porch 157 Tom Zarrilli's tape of Frog Bride and Red Meat and Sproutz 158 Fetchin Bones music video Love Crushing 159 Aunt Nancy and friend at The Home November. 22, 1989; Opal Foxx and Blow Up The Tractor at Little 5 Points Pub Jan 2, 1990 with Deacon Lunchbox 160 commercial movie Kiss Of The Spider Woman 161 Wild Thing movie with Rupaul; commercial movies Blue Thunder and Risky business 162 Frog Bride additional footage by Teddy and Tom Zarrilli with Elouise on the balcony 163 Funtone music videos; Now Explosion Bad Bad Bad; Rupaul Mr. Totally; Cocktail Girlz Omoolah, RuPaul Tune-up City; Now Explosion at Pyramid Club taped by Nelson 164 Dance-o-rama USA psychedelic show program #11 165 Comes the Blood movie from the Trade collection 166 Trade disco mix: Trade music video in slow motion and more 167 Trade music video reel with Ping Ting Ting, music video on MTV, Vampire Hustlers, Ghetto Love, comes the Blood, Voyeur 168 Trade in the movies: Comes the Blood, etc 169 Comes The Blood movie master tape from the Trade collection 170 RuPaul ancient videos: Terror 3 D; music videos too 171 RuPaul in The Wild Thing; Aunt Nancy visits Aunt Doris; Starbooty II - The Mack 172 Pop Tarts sound check for New Year's Eve concert at Club Rio; RuPaul record review on MTV; Aunt Nancy; Glen Meadmore; La Palace de Beaute at Weekends January 10, 1988 173 American Porn Star movie master; Peek Sisters Tonight music video; previews ; Mahogony II 174 Dick and James trip to Denver; stop in St. Louis to see Sandy Narvell and the giant arch 175 Christmas in heath Springs with Uncle Abe and Nana and Christmas conversation with Aunt Nancy and Mrs. Sullivan 176 commercial movies: Rich and Famous and About Last Night with Rob Lowe 177 The Shaggy dog Animation play starring RuPaul taped in its entirety at Theatrical Outfit Atlanta 178 Rupaul with Trade and Spicey in concert at last Celebrity Club in Francis Hotel; Aunt Nancy; Are We Insane; Teddy 179 Wayne Hollowell movies: Vigilante Cheerleaders and Soiled Panties 180 La Palace de Beaute in concert at Club Rio Nov. 25, 1988 featuring Larry Tee and Lahoma 181 Albert Crudo and Michael Musto talk at Nelson's apartment; Kathleen recites poetry; excerpts from Mondo New York featuring Karen Finley, Phoebe Legere and John Sex 182 Cocktail Girlz in concert at the Dugout May 14, 1987 taped by Brant Bonet 183 NBC and CNN reports about Kelly's brother Ambassador Kelly concerning Contragate and Ollie North; personalities of 1986; Peek Sisters logo 184 visit with Aunt Nancy and Grace Jones at The Home; aunt Nancy sings Happy birthday to Nelson 185 RuPaul movies: Starbooty II - The Mack original edit; The Mack music video; Starbooty music video 186 Mother's Aunt Nancy interview; La Palace de Beaute farewell concert at Club Rio 187 SMJ concert at Colorbox March 26, 1989, Easter Sunday; Carolina Cup 1989; Clare and Todd return from San Francisco 188 RuPaul movie Trilogy of Terror; 2 music videos; Disco Isis; RuPaul concert at Pyramid Club 189 RuPaul's trip to Houston with Trade and Spicey - tape 1: trip to hotel and first disco show at NRG 190 Carolina Cup with TAMS show endorsement by devil-head Strom Thurmond; report about Michael Musto's clothes from MTV; live report from Shady Rest hotel; Dale-Roys in Little Five Points 191 Popular Sex in concert at 688; Now Explosion concert at Royal Peacock 192 Lady Clare and Todd wedding at Catholic Church downtown; condemnation of the guests; reception across the road at Railroad Depot barn 193 Glen Thrasher's Destroy All Music Festival with Kathleen and Psychodrama and resulting fight; Channel 11 news reporter at Rupaul's apartment with The Singing peek sisters 194 Nelson tape of RuPaul's concerts at Colorbox February 10&11, 1989 with Judy Lagrange and The Singing Peek Sisters; Aunt Nancy 195 Michael Musto music videos as Phil Collins, The Cars, Elvis Costello, Jennifer Holiday; RuPaul interview; vintage episode All My Children; the Atlanta Child Murders made-for-tv movie;Lady Clare at the hurrah for hookers protest from the television news; New York TV news; Wild Thing credits 196 commercial movies: A Room With A View and Witchboard 197 backup copies of TAMS shows Battered Wives versus Homeless Street People and Barbie Adventures Show; Lady Clare eats at Deacon Burton's; compilation of music at Club Rio 198 Cousin Teddy segments for TAMS and Teddy investigates Zingo 199 Wanda Peek live in the WSB radio studios on the Mike Malloy Show 200 Manboy love Dr. C. Markham Berry, Paul's childhood psychologist on the TV news; ACTS promos made by Paul for national cable TV April 15, 1988 201 DeAundra Peek Ultra Style Bin 60 second promo 202 DeAundra Peek Nitetime Soiree Party 60 second promo 203 Nelson compilation tape: Now Explosion July 16 and 17, 1986 at the New Music Seminar, Pop Tarts too 204 Dolores French on The Maury Pauvich Show November 11, 1991 205 Fashion Patrol documentary of DeAundra Peek at Wigstock and at the Torture Wheel Club; mental health public service announcement 206 RuPaul & Larry Tee at Petrus introduced by DeAundra Peek; RuPaul's Whore perfume advertisements; Dave Clark interview; Dance-o-rama highlights including oxy squeeze, Jackie O Disposable Hats, All Male Trio, and Tom Zarrilli's Conspiracy Series editorials; Darlister Epps via satellite; Trade on The Joan Rivers Show; DeAundra Peek and Superchic at the Cracker Barrel demonstration ; DeAundra Peek's Disco Paradise 2000 original raw video in picture frame; Rupaul song This is My Life (audio only) 207 Nelson Sullivan's Mama Said - The Movie 208 Ted Rubenstein's Men Will Be Boys movie January 30, 1990 209 the Pop Tarts at Club Rio with Michael Musto part one: Michael Musto arrives, soundcheck, Saturday night show featuring Big Mac song and Two of Hearts with Michael Musto and The Singing Peek Sisters; also Julian bond Special 210 Flaunt It Club at Club Rio with The Pop Tarts; RuPaul after the premiere of American Porn Star at Club Rio 211 DeAundra Peek's Ultra Style Bin 60 second promo 212 The Singing Peek Sisters at Club Rio in their Salute to South Fulton County starring MeeMaw; also MeeMaw and Wanda backstage and Col. Lonnie Fain; This Is Your Life MeeMaw graphics 213 Smilin' Mighty Jesus Singers at Club Rio, The Singing Peek Sisters music video Tonight original raw tape 214 RuPaul sing Supermodel at the Gay March on Washington April 1993 215 Phoebe Legere at Club Rio, Smilin' Mighty Jesus Singers at Club Rio, Cocktail Girlz at Club Rio December 1987 216 Nelson compilation tape: Judy LaGrange, Clayton's Photos, Dean Johnson, Alexis, Drag Queen Marathon, Bunny, John Sex Music Videos, Kill pig, Shazork, Street the beat, Blackout Takes a Walk, Pop Tarts in Boston, Mary Kaye and Bobby's Wedding 217 The RuPaul Show on VH1 with Dennis Rodman 218 The RuPaul Show on VH1 with Whoppi Goldberg and Taylor Dayne 219 Robbie Coddington's I Am Not A Bimbo 220 Nelson compilation tape: RuPaul at Palladium, RuPaul walks to East Village, Beach Party, Bunny, Now Explosion 221 Nelson tape: Vito Edit - copy 222 four On Patrol Shows: in Puerto Rico, Book of Love and Grace Jones, All RuPaul, Lahoma and Celebrities and money drop at Disco 2000 223 Turn Your Life Around with Jerry Hubbard for Access America, Pam's report on Paula Gatley Tillman's photo show that includes horrible picture of Dick, Ana Collins commercial for her art show 224 Polyergus by Victor Katz 225 trip to Apparition Site in Conyers on August 13, 1993; RuPaul's in-store appearance at Turtles in Atlanta 226 The Singing Peek Sisters promo for Turn Your Life Around with Jerry Hubbard, oil war new clips, one Jack Benny show, RuPaul's face on Buzz 1:12 1:18 1:43, Current Affair Report on Angie Bowie appearance on Joan Rivers 227 Fashion Patrol tape of On Patrol for Dick and DeAundra: No Charge, Brenda's story, Pam Greer 228 Nelson compilation tape: Dee-lite, Downtown song, John Sex Big Talk, My Face, Rock Your Body, Albert, Central Park, Blackout in water, RuPaul at Voyeur party with Michael Alig, The World, MTV, Dean Johnson, Christina's Birthday, People Tree 229 Space Seed at Little Five Points Pub in the dark, Phantom 409 (Marci's Band), Space Seed at White Dot, Nelson in South Carolina tapes 230 La Dolce Musto movie by Nelson, Cherry Grove 1976, Nelson's edit of A Ride With Aunt Nancy, Richards with watermelons, Toya at Statue of Liberty 231 Chicago S&M tape with cutting and torture: Ron Athey Martyrs and Saints at Randolph Street Gallery, Tuck at Foxy's 232 Cocktail Girlz at Royal Peacock May 13, 1988, Fetchin Bones at royal Peacock, sin music video, RuPaul on MTV, Michael Musto's report on karoke on MTV 233 CNN report of the Marcus family home videos, opening credits for This Is Your Life MeeMaw for The Singing Peek Sisters at Club Rio, Daleroys at Club Rio, Miss Margie and the Tall Boys at Club Rio, Comedy Break from TV, Barnaby Jones, CBS Morning news about contra aid 234 Angie Bowie at Club Rio August 20. 1988, 976-PEEKS, Sexy Up and the Cocktail Girlz at The Point 235 The Big Style Show featuring DeAundra Peek at 800 East February 14, 1992 236 The Singing Peek Sisters promo for Turn Your Life Around with Jerry Hubbard, Aunt Nancy segment about confusion lying on bed, Inside Edition report about Access America with glimpse of The Singing Peeks, movies: Willie Wonka and Moms Mabley and Godzilla versus Mothra, some cartoons 237 Phoebe Legere at Club Rio, Jayne County at Club Rio September 2 and 4, DeAundra Peek's Dream Lover vocals 238 DeAundra Peek at Metro November 6, 1991 239 Fetchin Bones at Club Rio July 3, 1987, Daleroys practice run-through 240 Elouise Champagne Montague Mellencamp and her Groovy People at Club Rio and CNN Bloopers 241 RuPaul and Glen Meadmore, Women at West Point - the movie, Cannon, Mandy's Birthday Bus 242 Nelson tape: Now Explosion at the Pyramid Club 11/24/86 243 Jayne County at Club Rio May 19, 1989 244 Glen Meadmore You Can't Play That Game With Me 245 Rev. Ernest Angley, Michael West's Jim and Tammy Show at club Rio July 19, 1987, Tammy Faye, Das Furlines at Club Rio 246 Mud Wrestling, Now Explosion at Spellbound, Wayne 247 Nelson's visit August 1986: RuPaul at Weekends August 2, 1986, Ozone, Anastasia - cabaret, Aunt Nancy 248 Angie Bowie at Club Rio May 26, 1989 with Milo Martin and DeAundra Peek, a visit with Aunt Nancy June 6, 1989 249 DeAundra's intros for Special Nelson Series 250 Wanda Peek reports from Hartsfield Airport on Pop Tarts' arrival, Pop Tarts Show at Club Rio October 17, 1987 251 Nelson dub tape #2 wit Taboo and more 252 Jayne County at Club Rio January 30, 1988, Phoebe Legere at Club Rio February 13, 1988 253 Turn Your Life Around Valentine's Special, Walking Dead School of Beauty: Beta version 254 Turn Your Life Around program 2: Beta version 255 Turn Your Life Around program 2: Beta version 256 Turn Your Life Around tape one of Episode 2 257 original raw video of Angie Bowie music video taped at Mount Arabia 258 Wayne Hollowell tapes: Ghetto Love, Vampire Hustlers 259 Nelson video: The John Sex Story - copy of original edit 260 This Your Life MeeMaw at Club Rio, Brant Mewborn on Noonday on Channel 11, RuPaul at Club Rio May 31, 1987 261 colorized Heidi movie 262 RuPaul's Family Reunion in San Diego 263 Tom Zarrilli show at Nexus April 26, 1985, Pam at Inman Park Festival, space shuttle blast off 264 So This Is Happiness original raw video, tape one 265 RuPaul and Wee Wee Pole at the NE Access Studio preforming Tarzan for Turn Your Life Around June 17, 1983 266 So This Is Happiness original raw video Reel three 267 Smilin' Mighty Jesus Singers at Club Rio Easter Sun day April 19, 1987, American Porn Star movie 268 Nelson tape: Chicken Party 269 first anniversary party at Club Rio with Funtone Extravaganza including RuPaul, Larry Tee, Michael West and The Singing Peek Sisters' also tour of Margaret and Betty's house in Liberty Hill 270 commercial movie: X,Y,and Zee starring Elizabeth Taylor 271 RuPaul at the Colorbox in Athens when he decided to change the concept back to Starbooty drag; The Singing Peek sisters at Petrus with SuperChic 272 Nelson Tape: RuPaul on the Gong Show with Salt and Pepa 273 Nelson tape: Dub Tape number one 274 Nelson compilation tape: Woodstock with Brant and Rhonda, DV8 bus to Boston, Celebrity Clubs 275 Cocktail Girlz at Paula's Photo Preview at Club Rio; Beats Working at Club Rio June 20, 1987 276 Fashion Show on RuPaul's steps, Judy LaGrange takes us to Plant Sale with Nelson, Molli and Rupaul, Nelson tapes ride in David's Cadillac and RuPaul and Pam at Temi's Birthday Party at the Chattahoochie River; Michael West Show at Club Rio - Nightclub of the Living Dead with Liberace and Ethel Merman 277 Nelson compilation tape: Bunny at Boy Bar, Fred and Michael Musto at The World, 2 Celebrity Club Wet 'Em Down Contests 278 Spew II via Canada number 2: Bunny at Sissy Club, DeAundra Peek There's a Kind of a Hush, GECCO, Blast Off, Cholita 279 Joan Jett Blackk music video 280 Nelson on The American Music Show, Space Seed Video Party, La Palace de Beaute, The Singing Peek Sisters Music Videos 281 Battle of the Hair with RuPaul and John Sex at Metronome music store featuring Wanda Peek, John Sex with RuPaul at Club Rio, the singing Peek Sisters music video Tonight, Mahogony II preview 282 Homecoming at Liberty Hill with Uncle James and Lova Anne, Zette at Club Rio November 7, 1987, Phoebe Legere music videos, Mother interviews Aunt Nancy edit 283 Terry and Julian Clarey part one 284 RuPaul on Comedy Central November 12, 1994 in the Scarlett Ads 285 Club Rio Halloween Blast with RuPaul on Carnival Ride, Fetchin Bones, The Coolies, Larry Tee, Paul as Emcee, Teddy and more; Fetchin Bones as Village People do In The Navy 286 Documentary on Glen Thrasher, John Lewis Julian Bond Television Debate, Funtone on CNN, David and Lee and Susan's Halloween party with Lurleen, Lahoma and Larry Tee from famous drags on acid photo; tour of David's apartment; devilhead Reagan and wife talk about drugs; Wyche Fowler debates Mattingly 287 Bud Tape: a walk in the woods with Minnie Lois and Larry(Holly) to Laurel Falls and Lost Falls 288 Access America taped from HA! with The Singing Peek Sisters, Pam and Hope at the Cup, Aunt Nancy 289 Lady Bunny at Club Rio, Kristi Rose at Club Rio, Report on RuPaul's yard sale 290 Meatloaf Clog presents Son of No Batch Required featuring an Oats music video 291 Nelson Tape: The Must in concert at Limelight with Michael Musto September 10, 1985 292 The Pop Tarts' LA STORIES: From the Eye of The Storm 293 Miss Margie's movie about her mother: ALMA 294 Nelson compilation tape: November 18, 1987 - Lahoma, RuPaul and Larry Tee arrive in NYC (November 6, 1987); La Palace de Beaute at Pyramid; People Tree at Siberia; Lady Clare's show at Pyramid Club 295 Nelson compilation tape: Coney Island Bust, Copacabana with the Village People, Fashion Patrol's Birth Show with Brandywine and Brenda 296 Much To Do About Midtown featuring the Now Explosion's outdoor concert; The Singing Peek Sisters' Christmas commercial 297 commercial video sampler with William Burroughs Thanksgiving Prayer 298 Nelson tape: Wigstock 1987 tape one with Lady Clare; Albert Crudo's All 299 YoYo Gang Trailer; YoYo Gang movie 300 Spew II via Canada:1 - featuring Bunnyopolis night at the Sissy Club with Joan Jett Blakk, Glen Meadmore, DeAundra Peek and Bunny 301 Men Will Be Boys movie by Ted Rubenstein and Howard Libov 302 Nelson tape: Now Explosion at Pyramid Club November 9, 1984 303 Nelson Tape: Now Explosion at Pyramid Club July 28, 1984 304 Betty Jack Devine at Popcorn Party, Tom Zarrilli at Conyers Apparition site March 13, 1992, Music videos: Whore The Pop Tarts, Stomp and Twist Larry Tee's Love Machine, Hollywood Wives Pop Tarts, Supernatural RuPaul 305 MTV Music Awards with RuPaul, Angie Bowie on Current Affair about the Great White Impostor 306 Sugarmack at Velvet May 24, 1991, Lurleen in concert at World headquarters doing Queen of the House 307 Nelson compilation tape: Aunt Nancy at Doris's, Billie Jo Clyburn in Kershaw, The Butthole Surfers, Lahoma and Lizette at David's apartment, Tour of Celebrity Club, Phoebe Legere, Shazork 308 Miss USA Pageant, Frog Bride, Aunt Nancy, RuPaul on House of Style June 1992 309 Nelson compilation tape August 1987: Nelson visit, Liberty Hill and the River, Aunt Nancy food and singing, La Palace de Beaute singing Playboy 310 Comes The Blood commercial, Mahogony II and Police Lady commercials, Voyeur 311 Nelson compilation tape: Mars opening, New Year's 1989, at home with Christina, Mars needs Trade, World welcomes Michael Alig January 12, 1989 312 Nelson tape: Now Explosion and RuPaul at New Music Seminar 1986 313 Da Da Id the band with Happy song for Mark 314 Nelson compilation tape: Eddie and Nasomi on Wall Street, dubs of Kill Pig, Wall Street, Pyramid basement, Larry Tee, Judy and Lahoma on Times Square, Nasomi 315 Nelson tape: in San Francisco with Paula Gately Tillman 316 Nelson tape: Wigstock 1986 tape two 317 Nelson tape: Nelson and Eddie Christmas Special 1986, Eddie December 3, 1986 318 Betty Jack Devine's Signature Report interview with Dorian Corey at Velvet, Judy LaGrange shows scrapbook of years in Atlanta and plays Pomp and Circumstance on Viola's Electric Cord Organ, Best of The Worst Show with Public Access Mini-Report featuring DeAundra Peek, RuPaul music video Shake Your Starbooty, Pop Tarts Wig Out music video featuring Mr. Chuck's Wigstock slides 319 Angie Bowie on the Howard Stern TV show September 8, 1990 320 RuPaul on CNN Talkback Live June 14, 1995 321 RuPaul's Party Machine Show from VH1 322 commercial movie: Earth Versus Flying Saucers - has some good office scenes 323 Erica models to RuPaul's song Supermodel on All My Children at 47 minutes 324 Nelson Tape: Wigstock 4 part two September 7, 1988 325 Nelson Tape: Pop Tarts in I Thought You Might Enjoy The Whole Party, Sunday on the first nice day and Mondo Limelight 326 DeAundra Peek's Disco Paradise 2000 music video, Larry Tee At Velvet September 28, 1991, Betty Jack Devine at Larry Tee's Concert, Judge Clarence Thomas sings Strokin' 327 RuPaul in concert at Velvet August 1991, Bunny in concert at Velvet, Mr. Chuck's Wigstock slides 328 Pat Field's fashion show at Velvet, The American Music Show at The Core 329 Nelson Tape: La Palace de Beaute at the World June 24, 1988 330 Nelson Tape: Glen Meadmore at Pyramid, Pyramid Club birthday, Michael Musto Birthday, Fetchin Bones at Cat Club, La Palace de Beaute with RuPaul, Siberia, Christina, Tunnel, Albert photos and Pop Tarts - December 1987 331 Japanese television taped by Keita - Sorry for Being Late Video II 332 Stevette's video tribute to Scyntilla Vortex 333 Alexis's New York Tape number one: Sister Dimension's wedding at Copa, Love Machine with Judy LaGrange, Gay Pride Parade with Gay Dating Game float, Joey Stephano, and Chassy LaRue (Jance) 334 TAMS amiga generated credits by Paul (also Bubba Goldd's credits and station wagon living) at 3 hours in, Danny Beards 10th Anniversary with the Coolies and Swimming Pool Q's; Paul introducing Sexy Up, The Real Patsy Cline, Geezinslaws 335 DeAundra Peek and Duffy Odum sample tape with 4 episodes 336 RuPaul on NBC Now 337 movie by Tom Lohre's friend: The Prim Reaper 338 music videos:DeAundra Peek Disco Paradise 2000, at 18 minutes in RuPaul This Is My Life (best sound recording of This Is My Life earlier in tape), 976-PEEKS to Partyline by The Pop Tarts 339 tape left by John Pack: toves 340 promo for Turn Your Life Around with Fred Willard, CBS News Report on Edwin Meese and Iraqi oil pipeline across Israel and associated bribes, 2 Japan Today news programs,RuPaul on 9 Broadcast Plaza on WOR with Keoki, Larry Tee, Michael Musto and Michael Alig Channel 9 at 1:58 minutes in 341 Nelson tape: Nelson in San Francisco with Paula Gately Tillman video sampler 342 Nelson tape: Nelson in San Francisco with Paula Gately Tillman including visit with Lady Clare and Todd and song 343 Nelson compilation tape: Stas Namin in concert at Limelight and Eddie and Nasomi on Wall Street 344 music video by The Throbbers Get The Skunk 345 Nelson compilation tape: Nelson at hospital, Bunny, Dixie, Taboo, Sister Dimension, Michael Musto, Kill Pig, Pop Tarts, Michael and Tish, Dean Johnson and the Weenies song, Kennan, John Sex at London Benefit 346 Wigstock - club version -taped by the Fashion Patrol (complete index in box) with Lypsinka, DeAundra Peek Lurleen, Mihoko, Larry Tee Let's Get High, Joey Arias, RuPaul, Willie Ninja and more 347 Stevette videos: DeAundra Peek pride 1991, DeAundra and Sultra Pride Concert 1991, Eleganza Pride Concert, DeAundra Peek and Sultra at 800 East, Opal Foxx Pride Concert and TAMS promo with Lurleen, Trina and Clive 348 Nelson video: Studio 54 edit from October 9, 1984 349 The Must with Michael Musto and Brand and Rhonda in Boston tape 2 350 Nelson compilation tape: Pyramid Club Seventh Birthday December 10, 1988 and Sukreet Gable and Michael Musto December 7, 1988 351 commercial movie: Soul Man 352 Hope Videos, Hope at Home and Aunt Nancy and Sugarsmack at Masquerade 353 Nelson tape: Wigstock 4 part one September 7, 1988 354 Nelson Tape: San Francisco with Paula Gately Tillman #2 (maybe with She Devils by Now Explosion 355 Nelson tape: RuPaul at Limelight September 21, 1986 356 Nelson Tape: TV ME (January 15, 1989) and one week later (January 22, 1989), Eric and Vicki's Party 357 Meatloaf Clog presents No Batch Required featuring Oats with Dave Clark and Danny Morton 358 Nelson Tape: Wigstock 1986 number one 359 Nelson Tape: sound check Danceteria June 7, 1986 part two; RuPaul, Spicy, Trade at Jane West Hotel June 8, 1986 and Pyramid and street 360 RuPaul on The Rosie O'Donnell Show October 30, 1996 361 Nelson Tape: Wigstock 1987 part two 362 some On Patrol shows by the Fashion Patrol 363 David A. Moore's report on the sit-in at Cracker Barrel with DeAundra Peek and Super Chic and Jack Pelham 364 Losin' My Vienners music video by DeAundra Peek 365 Desiderata music video by The Pop Tarts 366 Nelson compilation tape: New York to Atlanta with the Pop Tarts, Albert and Nelson, RuPaul Shows at Club Rio and Weekends, Beaver Creek, Harry and Doris Mobley in Kershaw, Aunt Nancy 367 Fashion Patrol's Drag TV 368 Nelson compilation tape: Tabboo, Shazork, Earl Scooter, Cookie Watkins, Zula, Road Furrier, Alexis del Lago, Talk Show, Wendy Wilde, John Sex, Black Iris, Michael Musto, D. Cole, and H.W. 369 Jon Witherspoon's tape of Wigstock 1990 including performances by Lahoma, Lurleen, RuPaul, some dancers and backstage with Lady Clare and DeAundra 370 some RuPaul shows on VH1 with Mizzrahi and more 371 Nelson Tape: The Boston Must Party with Michael Musto and Brant and Rhonda edit #1 372 Nelson Tape: The Cocktail Girlz at Pyramid Club October 11, 1985 (index in box) 373 Nelson Tape: Flaunt It Club #1 and #2 featuring the Pop Tarts at Limelight 374 RuPaul's Party Machine from VH1 with RuPaul in red dress 375 Wigstock 1993 at Tompkins Square with DeAundra Peek 376 Nelson Tape: Mary Kaye and Francois 377 DeAundra Peek at The Vault taped by the Fashion Patrol 378 some On Patrol Shows by the Fashion Patrol 379 some On Patrol Shows by the Fashion Patrol 380 some On Patrol shows by the Fashion Patrol 381 Alexis Tape from New York City: Bunny's Tip-a-thon, Bunny and RuPaul at Love Machine, Love Machine with Charles Atlas, Love Connection, performances by Connie Girl and Joey Stefano 382 Nelson compilation tape: Obsessions, Tom Lohre fixing the toilet at 5 Ninth Avenue, Birthday P{hone, Christina, Pussy smoke and Trade, East Village with Sister Dimension and Chrysis 383 Molli Worthington Sample Tape for Fulton County Arts Council, a Carol Burnett Show, two Cinemax movies one foreign and Wild at Heart 384 Alexis tape from New York City 385 Nelson tape: Keni Valenti October 25, 1984 386 Nelson Tape: the Flaunt It Club at Limelight hosted by The Pop Tarts featuring Tish and Snooky and Dainty Adore 387 Nelson Tape: Ina and Bruno movie by Ga-Ga LeGault followed by and interview with Ga-Ga LeGault 388 Darlister Epps Swern segment for The Amercian Music Show 389 DeAundra Peek at Cracker Barrel protest; DeAundra Peek with Eleganza 390 Terry and Julian show from Channel 4 - pal video format 391 PBS documentary about 1960's recorded by Nelson 392 Manhattan Cable program 8 393 demo tape by RuPaul's Mississippi friend featuring Day From Hell, Siren, Close Lobstars 394 Manhattan Cable program 6 featuring DeAundra Peek and report on RuPaul at the Love Ball 395 Manhattan Cable Boxing Day Special featuring DeAundra Peek singing Silent Night and RuPaul's report on The Rockettes 396 movie: Glitter Goddess of the Sunset Strip by Llana Lloyd featuring Angela Bowie 397 Manhattan Cable program 5 398 Made in the USA Atlanta program featuring Funtone Report and DeAundra Peek 399 Steve Lafrienier Chicago tape with RuPaul Supermodel Tour Show at Chicago Club, Joey Arias as Justine and the Lady Bunny Show at Foxy's featuring the My Pussy Song 400 Freak Show San Francisco grunge tape by Danny and Dave of the Cocktail Girlz 401 Spring Tape 2 for 1995: Oats with Danny Morton at Dotties, RuPaul on Extra, Popcorn with DeAundra Peek and Betty Jack Devine; Bunny at Metro, Pickles Nutthouse 402 DeAundra Peek Showcase - 4 episodes of DeAundra's show sent off somewhere 403 Spring 1996 featuring Angie on Geraldo (June 24, 1996) 404 Spring 1995: Create A Something Seminar by 800 East at WEstin Hotel with Talitha; Gam Implosion with SugarBaby and Paul 2000 at The Chamber; SugarSmack at Velvet; Betty Jack Devine at Pickles Nutthouse 405 dub of tape for TV Pizza: DeAundra and Duffy doing Little Miss Iddy Biddy Trailer Park Pagaent and Roadside Boutiques 406 Summer 1993: Betty Jack and DeAundra at Gay Pride; Country Mouse at Punch Line starring Col. Lonnie Fain; DeAundra goes to Wigstock taped for Fashion Patrol 407 Angie Bowie's video portrait of Artist Steven Solberg "The Land of Dwarves and Shadows 408 Ralph Bailey Live at The Hangnail 409 RuPaul's Christmas Ball 410 Ron and Drew (TAMS fans, formerly from Kentucky) take us on a tour of New York City - from their new apartment to all over Manhattan 411 Jayne County as featured on overnight movies on USA Network 412 Monkey One Poetry Night; Fain and Fine "Curley Headed Baby"; Paul and Sassy at the MoAve; Todd Haynes Karen Carpenter Story banned commercial movie 413 clips fromThe American Music Show featuring Trade; DeAundra Peek and Trade; Trade music videos; Michael Jackson biography 414 The Man Who Would BE Queen - a movie from Louisville Kentucky 415 reel of cartoons donated by Tennessee 416 tape by Stevette: RuPaul at Outwrite Bookstore signing Letting It All Hang Out and Atlanta Gay Pride 1995 417 Compilation Tape by Pat and Andy from Chicago featuring things by them and Letushka, John Connors, Jon and Gerald 418 Betty Jack Devine and Dysfunksha at Metro and commercial movie My Own Private Idaho 419 tape by Stevette: RuPaul at Velvet July 25, 1992 and August 17, 1991; Larry Tee at Velvet March 28, 1992; larry tee report March 29, 1992; Lady Bunny at Velvet September 21, 1991 420 Y'All - White Trash Country Gospel duo from NYC in an evening of stories and songs 421 Y'All Demo Tape - white trash country gospel 422 Phoebe Legere live in Hong Kong 423 Phoebe Legere photo shoot at Mr. Chuck's with Angie Bowie; Phoebe Legere's Wedding to a Bull with Hunter S. Thompson; Angie Bowie on Richard Beye's Gong Show 424 James Bond Tape: Chrys and Keith's Wedding; 4th of July Parade with Newt Gingrich; I Hate Me Song in Black and White 425 DeAudra Peek in Chicago; Tom Rubnitz Videos, Larry Tee and Betty Jack Devine 426 Wigstock 1995 taped in NYC by DJ Tennessee 427 At Home With Christina mini-movie; commercial movie Beautiful Thing 428 TV Pizza Hut special introduced by DeAundra Peek for tv to tape transfer; RuPaul on Ricki Lake promoting Snapshot 429 World of Wonder featuring the Pop Tarts on In The Life 1998 430 Mr. Chuck's tape of Brigette Collins the Flower Lady from Piedmont at Monroe in Downtown Atlanta 431 Love Tractor music video; Michael West starring in Mama I Wants To Sing at Club Rio; Rosser reports on Art Exhibit in Decatur; on the set of Police Lady - Wanda Peek reports and interviews RuPaul; Hulga and Barker; La Palace de Beaute at Club Rio with special guest Judy LaGrange 432 18 Carats show by Lady Bunny at The Duplex - from the Steve Lafrieniere collection; more Tom Rubnitz videos 433 backup copy of Home Schoolin' Trial from The American Music Show featuring Claudine Fain; RuPaul on Sister Sister; boy RuPaul on Extra 434 RuPaul wrestling Pamela Anderson Lee on MTV Super Bowl Special 1998 435 Fern and Daisy Chain at Wigwood 1993; Baby Doll Schultz and Super Chic at Wigwood 1993 too; a tape by Stevette 436 RuPaul Christmas Special from VH1 1997 437 tape from Amy in Chicago: The Go-Go Pills music video and The Go-Go Pills music video with subtitles 437.1 DeAundra Peek's intros for the Meet Me At Odum's DVD 437.2 Duff Odum's rap music video DUFFANEM 437.3 Nelson Sullivan's Downtown Wednesdaty & Thursday 437.4 DeAundra Peek's DISCO PARADISE 2000 music video master copy 437.5 Nelson Sullivan's New York Chronicles pre-master done by Robbie Coddongton 437.6 Imac masters on super VHS: Phoebe Legere Marilyn with better sound, ARGE's Polaroids to Angie Bowie's My Best Friends Are Strangers, RuPaul Sex Freak, Misty April, Froggy Went A Counting Manboy Love, DeAundra Peek Disco Paradise 2000 437.7 DeAundra Peek on TV Pizza, Ralph Bailey, Jayne County, Lahoma & Nelson go to the Voyeur Party 437.8 HAIRNET with DeAundra Peek January 30, 2004 437.9 copy of Nelson's tape #61 Ethel Eichelberger's FOWL BALL 437.91 The Funtone USA Movie Produced by Steve Lafreniere for a New York Film Festival 437.91 So This Is Happiness master edit 438 Phoebe Legere Music Videos: Made for You, Pictures on the Radio, The Price of Love; Pam inteviews Hope; Betty Jack Devine and Maxine Odum music video singing Disco Inferno; excerpts from Edward II commercial movie 439 Funtone Funpack: Now Explosion, RuPaul, Cocktail Girlz, Singing Peek Sisters, Pop Tarts, Now Explosion, Cocktail Girlz, The Mack, Starbooty, Smilin' Mighty Jesus Singers 440 RuPaul on The Grind Show on MTV; RuPaul on BET and more 441 RuPaul's first appearance on the Hollywood Squares - 5 shows 442 RuPaul's Atlanta Trip April 27, 1991 by RuPaul's friend from Hattiesburg Mississippi 443 backup copy of Nelson Sullivan's World of Wonder from Channel 4 444 USA Movie with RuPaul - A Mother's Prayer 445 Jarboe music videos: Beautiful People LTD and Warm Liquid Event 446 Sassy Music Video master; Michael Alig Report; Tennessee's video of Arge's night at Metro 447 TV Pizza complication tape; RuPaul on something 448 Honey BarBQue's Ho Ho Ho Holiday Workout 449 Sugarsmack music video: Bring On The UFOs on Super VHS 450 Spring 1997 Tape: Keita in play in Japan tranferred from VHS-C, Adora at Metro, DeAundra at Lily White's Birthday at Metro, Wigwood credits, Paula Picture Exhibition at Airport 451 Jarboe music video tape for DeAundra: The Swans live in London doing Can''t Find My Way Home 452 Lova Ann's 100th Birthday Party 453 Video Vigilantes Voyeurism - Channel 4 Special by World of Wonder 454 backup copy of RuPaul movie Voyeur 455 Wigstock 1998 taped live on the pier in New York City by DJ Tennessee Part One 456 Wigstock 1998 taped live on the pier in New York City by DJ Tennessee Part Two, includes the Dueling Bankheads 457 DJ Tennessee Music Video Reel with Ultra Nate, Missy Elliott, Brain But, Daft Punk, Grace Jones La Vie En Rose, Cher's Hairspary Remix (Shoop Shoop Song), 1997 458 commerical movie: Paris Is Burning; Miss Toyzone 1998, The siunging Peek Sisters at the Armory with Lola Lorraine, RuPaul on Hollywood Squares (condensed) 459 DeAundra Peek in New York City live at Teh Ball of the Pyramid SEpt 3, 1994. Taped by Mermaidia 460 DJ Tennessee's Tennavision Compilation with Tallulah Bankhead on Batman, Diandra Hava Nagilla, TV toy commercials, Hosue of Tres with Black Maddonna, Tennessee' cameo appearance in the major movie One Fine Day 461 Paul 2000 in Athens Georgia - RealiTV Version 1.0 462 Tennessee compilation tape with Emanuel reading poetry, Xavier at Club Hell, Matthew Shephard Candlelight Vigil with the Gay Riots as reported in the New York Post 463 Wigwood 1998, Roz and Duffy singing Don't Go Breaking My Heart, the hypnotizing ray, RuPaul at Tabernacle 1998, DeAundra at the Gay Pride Parade 1998, the black soap opera from channel 69, the aerobicizing champsionships with contestant aerobicizing to RuPaul's song It's Raining Men, report on Jim Bakker and Jamie Charles in Atlanta 464 Phoebe Legere on New Year's Eve on a special guest on ABC News Overnight 465 TAMS, Swerns and Wigwood 1995 recorded by Col. Lonnie Fain 466 four Tennavision episodes from DJ Tennessee for the American Music Show 467 DJ Tennessee compilation tape: Wayne Hollowell in NYC, Grace Jone, Blondie 468 Arge's Miss Toyzone Pageant from the Metro, The Singing Peek Sisters with Lola Lorraine at the Amory, RuPaul on Hollywood Squares (condensed), Darlister Epps's Manure Special Advertisement, Extravaganza Ball in NYC taped by DJ Tennessee, Nelson video of The Cockatil Girlz, Lahoma calls Bingo at Mars taped by Nelson 469 3 edits of Nelson's videos for DeAundra's TV Show including Duke and Divas and other New York Music; also, bad quality raw video for Duffy's Duffymentary 470 Elouise special for TAMS master; 2 30 minute edits of Nelson's videos for DeAundra's Show's including going to Suzanne Bartche's party and the Pyramid club; RuPaul's Webex commercial for superbowl; Duffy's Art Project Duffymentary master edit: Claudine Fain introduces Duffy's project (original) 471 Sugarsmack infomercial, Diamond Lil sings 2 songs, Backstage with DeAundra and Wanda, Sugarsmack at Criminal Records, TAMS with Paula Jones backup copy, RuPaul Go Go Box Tribute 472 copy of commercial monster movie: Party Monster 473 DeAundra with a D extended mix - master 474 commercial movie: The Eyes of Tammy Faye 475 COUTDOWN TO Y2K: Col. Lonnie Fain at The Otherside, Mimi expose, Betty Jack at Peg's TV Show, Betty Jack at Pride Parade, Manboy Love at Community Room, DeAundra Peek at Community Room, 8 most annoying moments on TAMS, Arge song, Top 8 Saints, Top 8 one hit wonders, 8 great moments with Ralph Bailey, end of show with Alien Head, Top 8 most artistic moments 476 SPRING 2000: Sister Belladonna, Gigi wins the Doublewide, Mr. Chuck's Gypsy Sticks commercials, opening credits of the Divas 2000 special on VH1 starring RuPaul and Diana Ross 477 Mr. Chuck's Hillbilly Zen movie- the extended mix 2 hour version 478 Phoebe Legere in Hong Kong autographed by Phoebe 479 At Home with Christina movie by Dick - master edit 480 DeAundra and Duffy Tape for TV Pizza - copy of tape 6 followed by 5. Contents: DeAundra With a D, Community Room with Mona Love, Betty Jack Devine, ManBoy Weather; Southern Hospitality from Jeff and Peter's backyard 481 tape of drag queens in Boston sent as a present by fan Michael Machaud 482 The Diva's 2000 Special from VH1 starring Rupaul and Diana Ross 483 report on TAMS on Queer Television Toronto done by Andrew Nitzer 484 Dale-roys logo, Vital TAMS Credits, DeAundra Peeks' TV Show logo, Diamoond Lil Sings, Paula Gately Tillman's photo of TAMS, RuPaul and Phoebe at the Atlanta Airport, Sassy sings YMCA 485 Music Marathon Master, RuPaul on TAMS 1999 backup copy 486 Wigwood 2000: tape of Betty Jack Devine and Dixie Richardson's 2 hour hosting segment taped by DJ Tennessee; DJ Tennessee's laugh track 487 backup copy of the Brit Awards with RuPaul 488 end of Arge's segment not broadcast from 1999 TAMS; out takes from 1999 Thanksgiving night parade;backup compy of Odum's View with Maxine and Roz; 8 Tom Zarrilli moments, 8 Now Explosion Moments; Tennessee on Peg's Show 489 Tennavision episodes from December 1995 490 gift copy of Peg's TV Show with Betty Jack DeVine and Gilda 491 DeAundra Peek at Smith's Olde Bar with Richard Bicknell (3 songs); Hedda Nausbaum condensed 492 DeAundra Peek and Diamond Lil at Metro July 2, TAMS lava light credits, Snaglpuss 493 Old School Family Reunion Throwdown at Metro starring Betty Jack DeVine, Dixie Richardson and Brittany Fairchild; backup copy of TAMS retreat at Janet and Suepie's pool 494 Ed's TV Show The IT Factor with appearance by GiGI (episodes 101 and 102) 495 backup copies of some of Nelson's 8mm videos 496 Funtone Television for Mr. Chuck's party; Trade and Sugarbaby at REd Square Oct 21, 1995 497 backup copy of Nelson on ARTE Channel 498 DeAundra Peek and Diamond Lil special for TAMS (master copy); TAMS bloopers 499 RuPaul Bravo biography and A&E RuPaul Biography 500 Totally Summer 2000: Talitha in Road Trip; Duffy and the Radical Fairy; red ball in the pool; Mona Love's farewell appearance at Waffle House; Angie goes to Metro; Betty Jack at Gay Pride 501 Bunny 2000 502 Spring 2001: ARGE at the Contemporary; Ryanne Cannon with Trade at Metro; Rosser pops in; Crash Pink Floyd music video; Crash My head is read music video; crash odl man music video; slug traps; crash blls in pool imovies music video 503 Bluedism by Mr. Chuck 504 David Goldman on Canadian TV 505 DeAundra Peek and Dixie Richardson at Wigstock 2001 506 Betty Jack DeVine sampler: Betty Jack and Angie Bowie, Betty Jack sings Ecstacy, Betty Jack interviews RuPaul. also Angie Bowie on the English TV Show Real Crime 507 Music marathon master copy: Duffy "On the Eve of a Sinkhole, Bunnny Keep on Singing, Judy LaGrange Eres Tu, The Betty Jack Song, ManBoy Weather, Opal Foxx Dear Baby Jesus, RuPaul Sex Freak, Elouise and Larry Tee Cotton Candy, DeAundra Peek Ghetto Love with Duffy Odum; Monkey One Show with Maxine singing Whiter Shade of Pale and Aunt Roz interviewed; backup copy of RuPaul in black Pimp Hat on TAMS 508 master edit of Wigwood indoors with Dixie's debut; backup copy Duffy goes to boot camp 509 music marathon master: Barbie Q Angel FAce, Sassy clogs, Nurse MacWorld White Rabbit with Linda Paris, Jayne County Cherry Bomb, Betty Jack and Col. Fain Cotton Candy, Duffy with Daisy Chain twirling Cottoneyed Joe, Sassy Anything But Love Baby, Elsa Rash BAptist Haze, RuPaul Do The Right Thing, RayBlitten Epps Family Singers Butt Dance; Old School Family Throwdown master edit; Sister Belladonna eating and her music video; Mr. Richardson talks to Boompa in the Hot Tub psychedelic edit 510 Duffy's documentary about himself on TAMS; Tams cat-eyes credit; Tennessee on Peg's Show, Mr. Chuck Breaker nine; original Duffy and his Dad video, Mona Love's Last Night at Waffle House Report; Betty jack and Angie trip to metro master; Betty Jack Gay Pride in Limo Report 511 Tennavision from June 2001 512 master copy of TAMS Summer #3 with Cherrelle sings Tomorrow, RuPaul Pictures, Crash Old Man; Crash music videos, GAy Pride Report with Krustdiva; Keita at Daytona Beach Report; Lucy and Carol Channing on Password and some Soul Train; Weakest Link with RuPaul 513 Snaglpuss song at Echo Lounge, TAMS credits, Tina at Daytona Beach with Baby in convertible; Crash sings Hot Tub song; moe TAMS credits; report from Cornel Rubino's show edited report; Dixie's modeling video; MUSIC VIDEOS: What Am I gonna Do Larry Tee, Betty Jack sings Night and Day, DeAundra Peek Mysterious Ways, Losin' My Vienners, Dream Lover, Supermodel; opening and closing credits for DeAundra Does Madonna 514 2001 music videos on super VHS: Sister Belladonna, 3 Crash Hotman's Mocking Me, Old Man, Child; DeAundra Peek Losin My Vienners and Supermodel; Angie Bowie Crying in the Dark, Dixie modelling video, L'Opera Legere 515 Angie Bowie on Pop Panic 516 original TAMS with Keita and the Keitamania game plus Mamie Song - recorded in SLP 517 Angie Bowie compliation video from the 1980's featuring Angie on many programs from the 1980's through the 1990's compiled by a European fan. Contents in box 518 Jayne County stage show "Man Enough to be a Woman" videotaped by Tennessee at Joe's Pub in NYC 2/12/03; The Ones Superstar music video 519 2002 iMac masters and music videos: A ?Coupla Vixens, TAMS credits, Reluctant Love Song by Phoebe Legere, One Hot Minute by Phoebe Legere, RuPaul This is My Life, Just Between Friends with RuPaul and Judy LaGrange, International Twinkie Song, The Sound of Muzak, Paul 2000 Naked, Trilogy of Terror, RuPaul Santa Baby, Phoebe Legere Injecticide, Phoebe Legere Lady Friday, Phoeb Legere Armageddon a Go Go, RuPaul Tarzan 520 Grammy Awards Show where Suepie wins a Grammy 521 Tennavision NYC, Spanish TV, Marbella 522 Tennessee tape with Jayne County at Squeeze Box with Lisa Jackson; Tennevision Christmas show with Jayne County, Chere and Kylie music videos 523 Nell and Slingblade's wedding original and copy of TAMS 2002 Christmas Parade 524 tape by Tennessee: Tobel von Cariter, Sweetie, The Ones at Marquee; Jayne County with Lisa Jackson at Fez; 3 PUEN with Flloyd 525 ARGE's penis a minute captiva collection (copy) 526 RuPaul Personal Videotape: Diana Ross in Central Park 527 RuPaul's Personal Video: Fellini party, RuPaul TV Show, Now Explosion Celebrity Club, Disco Isis, RuPaul at Celebrity Club, my shows, Sex Freak music video. Lori Nevada, Body Heat 528 RuPaul's Personal Video: Fun music videos of 1985; RuPaul Starbooty at Celebrity Club 1986 529 RuPaul's Personal Video: RuPaul live plus Mahogony trailer plus "Laf at the Fags" 530 Monkey One Concert in Chicago at the Lyons Den, March 6, 1999 531 RuPaul's Personal Video: RuPaul at Northside Higth January 9, 1985; Cocktail Girlz at Uptown in Athens; C. Karson on Ponce January 19, 1985; Ru, Jennifer, Dan, Dave at Lenox 532 tape for Spicey 533 Smoke in concert featuring Opal Foxx 534 RuPaul on Hollywood Squares for Halloween 2002 535 BBC documentary featuring Angie Bowie: Liquid Assests: David Bowie 536 Tennessee Tape: Tennavision, Lily White, Cher Concert Parking Lot, Gypsy Joe, DJ Spooky, Brooklyn Bridge, Marbello, Projections Reel 537 ARGE's Penis Polaroids Master 538 Angie Bowie 1980's-90's compliation tape by Antoine Loogman (PAL version) 539 Angie Bowie 1980's-90's compliation tape by Antoine Loogman (VHS NTSC version) 540 The first LaBanana Special "No Bones About It" from 1982 541 LaBanana's 2nd Special " plus promo of show featuring all the stars 542 ARGE Penis A Minute Captiva MASTER 543 Peaches Music Videos Compilation 544 Richie Rich music video "Love You A Million" 545 Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte commercial movie 546 RuPaul's Personal Video: RuPaul at Onyx 2 abd at the pool with his family 547 RuPaul's Personal Video: American Music Show, Pretty Ru at Home, at Rumours, RuPaul and Lori in the Studio plusTarzan music video, RuPaul and The Peek Sisters, Her Hips were made to kill, RuPaul a go go, RuPaul Glamour Shots 548 Larry Tee Music Video: Come Fly With Me 549 Mr. Chuck's movie Bluedism 550 John Sex compilation tape from Micki French of the Bodacious Ta Tas with the Hustle for My Muscle music video 551 Meatloaf Clog music videos from Danny Morton and Dave Clark 552 Betty Jack DeVine and Angie Bowie reunion 553 LaBanana's "No Bones About It" original video; also Now Explosion interviewed in Knoxville and ana classic All My Children episode with Ray Gardner 554 RuPaul on TAMS samples for the Bravo RuPaul bio featuring The U-Hauls and RuPaul with a punk look 555 RuPaul and Diana Ross music video I Will Survive 556 RuPaul music video Back To My Roots 557 RuPaul music video Little Bit of Love 558 RuPaul hostessing the Brit Awards 559 TV Pizza Program 3 560 RuPaul on Italian television with Elton John 561 Voyeur the movie starring RuPaul 562 RuPaul music video Supermodel 563 RuPaul music video Supermodel 564 RuPaul's Christmas Ball from Channel 4 565 Nelson Sullivan's World of Wonder special for Channel 4 566 RuPaul and Elton John music video Don't Go Breaking My Heart 567 RuPaul music video Snapshot 568 TV Pizza program 2 569 TV Pizza program 6 570 TV Pizza program 5 571 RuPaul music video collection on Super VHS 572 RuPaul's Mahogony II premiere at Club Rio, backstage at Now Explosion's final concert, Mrs. J.T. Stovall, a visit with Aunt Nancy 573 TV Pizza program 4 574 RuPaul music video A Shade Shadey 575 The American Music Show special presentation: Starbooty - The Mack 576 RuPaul music video Free To Be, Phoebe Legere mixes, Tennavision 577 Supermodel music video Mega-Mix 578 Manhattan Cable TV show with RuPaul's Tranny Hooker Report 579 Starbooty The Movie, Terror II preview, Terror 3-D, Starbooty music video 580 The American Music Show with DeAundra Peek for Swern's Cut Rate Long Distance, Pam's Report from the Carolina Cup and RuPaul's move Beauty featuring Trade and Rebecca Weinberg 581 DeAundra Peek's music videos for Supermodel and Dream Lover - master edits 582 So This Is Happiness master copy, a Tour of Liberty Hill with Auntie Marion 583 Betty Jack DeVine sings Ecstacy, DeAundra Peek's Graveyard Shift audition 584 So This Is Happiness Reel 4 585 So This Is Happiness Reel 2 586 RuPaul music video Free To Be and an all-music Tennavision 587 Starbooty Triple Feature master 588 RuPaul Network Television featuring RuPaul interviewed by Monica Kaufman, Rosie O'Donnel, and appearances on some network TV shows 589 RuPaul hostessing The Brit Awards (PAL format) 590 The American Music Show from October 25, 1982 on 3/4" tape 591 Made in the USA Show from Channel 4 featuring the Funtone Family on 3/4" tape 592 Ted Rubenstein's Mysteries of the Universe on 3/4" tape 593 Red Meat and Sprouz Comedy recorded at Kennasaw College featuring Brooke and Heather and more on 3/4" tape 594 Steve Lafreniere's production of Nelson Sulllivan's Downtown Tuesday on Super VHS 595 TV Pizza Program 1 from Channel 4 596 US TV 3 & 6 produced by the Pop Tarts for Channel 4 597 Shock Video produced by the Pop Tarts for Channel 4 plus RuPaul on Living Color on FOX 598 Steve Lafreniere's production of Nelson Sulllivan's Downtown Friday featuring Wigstock 86-88 and Coney Island 88 599 Steve Lafreniere's production of Nelson Sulllivan's Downtown Saturday featuring leigh Bowery Party, Keith Haring, Christina, Jayne County, A Coupla Vixens, Shazork, Nelson's Last Tape 600 Steve Lafreniere's production of Nelson Sulllivan's Downtown Thursday featuring Warhol at Fiorucci, Hairspray, Pizza A Go Go, Gay Day, Love Machine II, Halloween, Dressing Room Scenes, Now Explosion, Nelson's birthday 601 Steve Lafreniere's production of Nelson Sulllivan's Downtown Wednesday featuring Now Explosion at the New Music Seminar, Downtown Recording Session, Lady Hennessey at Copa, Alexis del Lago, Love Maching I, Outlaw Party at Williamsburg Bridge 602 Starbooty the Motion Picture on 3/4" tape 603 Stephane Goel's production about Nelson Sullivan videotaped at Limelight New York on 3/4" tape 604 The Starbooty Movie Trailer on 3/4" tape 605 Meet Me At Odum's master edit on super VHS tape 606 DeAundra Does Madonna master edit on super VHS tape 607 Tom Zarrilli at the Apparition Site in Conyers and master copies of DeAundra Peek's Mysterious Ways music video and Losin' My Vienners music video 608 Phoebe Legere Reluctant Love Song music video and the commercial movie Ned Kelly starring Mick Jagger 609 The American Music Show's Special Presentation of Turn Your Life Around - the Peek Family Reunion with special guest Fred Willard on 3/4" tape 610 Arge's Polaroid Video Scrapbook Part One on VHS The Most Fun on the Internet - The Funtone USA Television NeworkClick Here![]() |
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