John Sex was the most exciting entertainer in Downtown New York until he lost his life to AIDS in early 1989. He was admired by Andy Warhol, best friends with Keith Haring, and an abundantly creative entertainer who blended dance, rock and Broadway into a Las Vegas spectacle that was oh-so sassy-fying. Fortunately for us today, he was also friends with Nelson Sullivan who videotaped many of his fabulous shows. Please enjoy The Joy of John Sex from the Nelson Sullivan Video Collection |
I want to be in the Jet Set.
Yes he was! Watch John Sex's signature striptease as he performs Jet Set at his own birthday part at The Saint
Those fabulous costumes - those beautiful girls!.
John is joined on stage by his favorite girl Katy K, designer of many of his lavish costumes. In this clip, John performs Girls with his all-girl band at The Cat Club.

Broadway John!.
Before he became the Tony-award-winning composer of Hairspray, Scott Whitman produced lavish Broadway-inspired extravaganzas at nightclubs across Manhattan. John Sex was one of his favorite stars. In these videos Nelson recorded at Danceteria, John sings "I Gotta Crow" and in a duet with Wendy Wild "Call for Tiger Lily" - both are from Scott Whitman's inspired production of Peter Pan.

The Bad Boys Club.
John Sex never missed a trick. He pulled out all the stops when mixed The Bad Boys with The Bodacious Ta Tas. See for yourself as John does his dance hit Hustle With My Muscle - then watch the Hustle With My Muscle music video produced by Tom Rubnitz
Friend and Family.
John got a kick out of bringing friends into the act. At this performance at The Pyramid Club close pal Craig Vandenberg is John's washed-up-show-biz dad.
Tonight is the across the town celebration for John Sex's birthday. After John's performance that night at The Saint, John, Wendy Wild, Alexis del Lago and an unknown friend ride to 14th Street for an afterparty. Enjoy the ride from Nelson's vantage point in the front seat.
Click Here To Watch
A Taxi Ride
With John Sex |
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